2018 Election: Scorecards & Voter Guides (more Biblically Honoring)
Florida, Seminole County, & More.
A list of over 30 links to groups that evaluate candidates, amendments, judges, etc.

See the many links below: to voter guides (groups that score each candidate and tell you why), voting scorecards (how your representatives actually voted), and more. This took many hours to find the links to websites that reveal the positions of the candidates on issues that 75% of Americans say they care about. 75% of Americans call themselves Christians.  But the NY Times, CNN, ABC, NBS, CBS, MSNBC, etc. media will not give you these links. And they will also not give you the list of over 200 accomplishments, over the last 19 months. See www.SureBolt.com/2018.htm.

If you like good news, see Vice President Mike Pence’s speech listing of your representatives’ accomplishments in the first 18 months of this new congress and president (visit American Family Association’s and Family Research Council’s ValuesVoterSummit.org/archive). Even those who dislike Mike Pence should like most of these accomplishments. But the news media never highlights these accomplishments. Why?

Also see the speech from the advisor to Trump (for only 7 months):  Dr. Gorka’s speech on draining the swamp (Especially the part where for 23 years the Republican AND Democrat presidents signed a waiver, every 6 months, to avoid doing what they had promised to do about Jerusalem and Israel). This is the best speech I have seen so far in this election cycle.  I liked it so much that I cut out the most interesting part and put it at the beginning for you. See SureBolt.com/swamp

75% of Americans claim to be Christians, yet less than half vote. If they voted using their Biblical principles, there would not be any culture war in this country. But where can Americans find Biblically honoring information about the candidates, since over 75% of the media elites are against Christian principles. Perhaps this will help. You can download this webpage as a PDF version (SureBolt.com/2018N.pdf). 

Who writes the news? Who writes the history? The majority always controls the news and the history books. Yet Jesus said the majority would wind up in hell (wide gate verses narrow gate, many verses few, Matt 7:13-14). So why do we expect the majority to tell us the truth? If you want to see quotes from the media admitting their anti-Christian biases and also get links to more reliable news sources on specific subjects, see this link, SureBolt.com/News.pdf.  If you would like to encourage others to vote, see this flyer called “God said Vote!” at SureBolt.com/Vote.pdf

  George Barna and William Paul McKay published Vital Signs: Emerging Social Trends and the Future of American Christianity in 1984.  They report from a 1983 study, which showed that 75 percent of television executives claimed to be politically “liberal.”  Only 7 percent attended church regularly and 44 percent stated that they had no religious affiliation.  80 percent stated that homosexuality was not wrong.  51 percent did not think adultery was wrong.  A whopping 97 percent approved of abortion. One can only wonder if those statistics are even worse 35 years later.  … (this paragraph is just an excerpt from this link, SureBolt.com/News.pdf)

My favorite issue is not politics, but using science to prove the Bible is from God (the Bible has a Miraculous Source).  If you would like to see the proof and many famous scientists who defended the Bible, go to MiraculousBible.org or ApologeticsPress.org.  I am an electrical engineer at Kennedy Space Center. My day job (for over 25 years) is to help NASA analyze and gather test data.  

I will try to give you the key differences between candidates in the following pages. If you want to do the research yourself, here are some links you can use. I have not gotten to all of these yet.

·       Florida races. Enter your zip code and see where your candidates stand. https://ivoterguide.com/default.aspx  Press here to see some of the key comparisons, on this webpage further below.

·       https://floridafamilyaction.org/voterguides/  Florida Family Voter guide, often with links for every issue proving the candidates’ positions:

·       Florida State Constitutional Amendments, explanations and endorsements: https://floridafamilyaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-Amendment-Guide_4.0.pdf

·       https://floridafamilyaction.org/voterguides/  Scroll down to the section that says Judicial Voter Guide (Coming Soon)

·       How lawmakers vote: https://heritageaction.com/scorecard The Heritage Action Scorecard is the leading conservative scorecard. It allows constituents to hold their members accountable based on how they vote on specific key pieces of conservative legislation.

·       This online Scorecard is a compilation of the significant votes on federal legislation affecting family values …   https://www.frcaction.org/scorecard

·       https://floridafamilyaction.org/scorecard/  This scorecard provides a unique and quality analysis of social issues that no other state organization provides. We have researched and scored each member of the Florida Legislature on the issues of life, family, religious liberty, and other related matters.

·       Republican AND Democrat voter guide and endorsements:   https://floridafamilyaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Endorsement-Guide_FINALr4_Color.pdf

·       Concerned Women for America promote Biblical values on Capital Hill https://concernedwomen.org/capitol-live/congressional-scorecard/ See issues at https://concernedwomen.org/resources/fact-cards/

·       https://familypolicyalliance.com/federal-elections/   and    https://familypolicyalliance.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/A-Guide-For-Christian-Voters.pdf  When Christians vote en masse, biblical citizenship is unleashed ; and when biblical citizenship is unleashed, good things happen in our states and our nation. Together, we have the power to advance Christian family values in policy, elections, and culture, and it begins when people of faith accept the tremendous rights, responsibilities, influence, and opportunities they have as citizens—including the right to VOTE!

·       Christian Coalition Congressional Scorecard for Florida, SureBolt.com/CC-FL-ScoreCard.pdf   Or download for any state at   cc.org/webform/congressional_scorecards

·       Immigration: US Congress Score Cards at NumbersUSA.com https://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/tools/grades/list/0/CONGRESS/fl/A/Grade/Active

·       Links to Judges & a Judicial voter guide  https://flfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-Judicial-Guide-FINAL-Interactive.pdf 

·       https://floridafamilyaction.org/voterguides/

·       http://www.christianvoterguide.com/voting-clergy-resources

·       http://www.christianvoterguide.com/

·       https://flfamily.org/

·       https://flfamily.org/resources/voter-guides

·       https://floridafamilyaction.org/scorecard/

·       https://ivoterguide.com/ 

·       https://www.voteseminole.org/

·       https://wallbuilders.com/election-resources-information/

·        Read an article written by David Barton entitled: “American Voters and the Abortion Issue.”

·        Read a collection of the Founding Fathers’ quotes on voting here.

·        A Christian Voter Intimidation Letter from Americans United for Separation of Church and State is an example of efforts to intimidate Christians and churches from being involved in the election process. This article examines a letter sent to pastors and churches in 2006, which attempts to intimidate them. WallBuilders takes this letter and crosses out the factually incorrect editorial comments designed to intimidate and leaves only the verified information intact.

·       http://www.cc.org/

·       https://www.nrlc.org/getinvolved/

·       https://heritageaction.com/scorecard/members?query=FL

·       Facebook page facebook.com/ConservativeMinistersofCentralFlorida/ 

·       https://eagleforum.org/election/endorse.html

·       http://nrlc.capwiz.com/election/home/   National Right to Life Committee:

Other links you might want:

·       https://www.nrapvf.org/grades/florida/ (Right to bear arms issues) The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.

·       Links to local candidate's websites, Decision 2018 | Seminole Elections | Spectrum News 13   http://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/politics/decision-2018/seminole#Seminole2R 

·       https://www.voteseminole.org/ElectedOfficials#Candidates    for links to each candidate’s website.

·       Global Warming: http://www.petitionproject.org/  or https://www.heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/arthur-b-robinson

·       Economic Freedom Congressional Score cards. Your present representative’s voting record. http://congress.freedomworks.org/

·       Value Voters Summit. Many encouraging speakers. The news does not tell you about all the good things that have been done in the last 1.5 years. Gary Baur’s speech , Ben Carson’s speech, Vice-President Mike Pense, and all speakers http://www.valuesvotersummit.org/archive  September 2018.

·       The following link is not to the Washington Post, a liberal anti-God newspaper, but to https://www.WashingtonTimes.com/

·       https://video.wvbs.org/   Free videos on bible topics. World Video Bible School has been privileged to serve Christians since 1986 by making teaching materials for the church’s use worldwide. https://video.wvbs.org/program/evidence-for-gods-word/ 

My political opinion is based on who is the most un-Biblical candidate, and who can stop them. In other words, in the final election (general election) in November WHO has the best chance of stopping the most ungodly candidate from winning. Once we figure out who is the most ungodly candidate that has a good chance of winning, it is usually much easier to find who has the best chance of stopping that most ungodly candidate.



US House, Dist 7:  The most un-Biblical candidate (and she is the present congresswoman), for Dist 7 in the US congress, is Stephanie Murphy. See her voting record. Her voting record is definitely against Christian morals and values: she wants the government to fund transgender operations, wants babies that are born alive (abortion survivors) to not have the right to live  (heritageaction.com/scorecard/members/m001202?session=115 ), she is against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), she wants bigger government, and more. Her voting scorecard (6%) is even 25% below the average value for house Democrats (8%) on Biblical issues. Here is another voting record on only 8 issues: the whole House voting record on 8 key issues.  https://downloads.frcaction.org/EF/EF18A01.pdf  at  https://www.frcaction.org/get.cfm?c=FRCA_SCORECARD&scorecard=scorecard_house   She has the worst immigration score possible (zero): see https://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/tools/grades/list/0/CONGRESS/fl/A/Grade/Active 

She only won 51% of the votes in 2016. The district was re-districted a few years ago such that the registered Democrats slightly outnumber the Republicans. So which of the three following candidates can stop her?

Note: Mike Miller is the only one who can now Stephanie Miller in November. But if Vennia Francois (who got in late and only raised 1/5th the money for the primaries) had won, perhaps we would have had an even better chance of stopping Stephanie Murphy. U.S. Senators. Mel Martinez and George LeMieux both said Vennia Francois had the best chance of beating Stephanie. See this video http://www.wesh.com/article/3-republicans-battle-in-floridas-7th-congressional-district/20876515 

Mike Miller says he is the most pro-life candidate. https://www.millerforflorida.com/  The NRA gives him an A rating: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2018/07/18/central-florida-congressional-candidate-mike-miller-receives-a-rating-from-nra .  

The scorecard below is done by FRCAction (Family Research Council) and AFA. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.  https://ivoterguide.com/

Please encourage Vennia to run for office in 2020. I have personally talked to Vennia Francois for over 30 minutes (she knocked on our door). I also grilled her campaign managers this past weekend. She says she highly honors Biblical issues and she is very pro-life (and strong on other issues that Christians often care about). I then did some research to see if that was true. It is. Compare her to her opponents.  https://www.venniaforcongress.com/

http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/politics/political-pulse/os-vennia-francois-congress-20180111-story.html  Jan 11th, 2018 says   Vennia Francois, a former policy adviser to U.S. Sens. Mel Martinez and George LeMieux.     Francois joins state Rep. Mike Miller, businessman Scott Sturgill, U.S. Marine Patrick Weingart and former Orange County Soil and Water vice-chair Mark Busch in running for the GOP nomination.

Also see her website:   https://www.venniaforcongress.com/     https://www.instagram.com/vennia4congress/

Here are the iVoterGuide endorsments: See  http://home.ivoterguide.com/  enter your zip code.



Florida Governor

Ron DeSantis (link to his website) vs. Andrew Gillum (link to his website) and others.  It looks like DeSantis for governor (Twitter link) is the only one who can stop the most un-Biblical candidate = Andrew Gillum link (pro-homosexual, pro-transgenders in female bathrooms, pro-abortion, socialist, illegals welcome, take away your guns, etc.).

Florida Family Voter guide with links for every issue proving their positions: https://floridafamilyaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-VGuide_FL-SenateGov_4.0_IA.pdf

https://yoho.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/ccagw-honors-taxpayer-super-heroes-in-florida    says:

CCAGW Honors “Taxpayer Super Heroes” In Florida

Mar 21, 2018 

For Immediate Release Contact: Curtis Kalin 202-467-5318 March 21, 2018 

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) applauded Reps. Ron DeSantis, Francis Rooney, and Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) for their relentless and unwavering support of the fiscal interests of American taxpayers while serving in Congress.  Reps. DeSantis, Rooney, and Yoho are three of the 12 lawmakers to earn a perfect score of 100 percent in CCAGW’s 2017 Congressional Ratings, making them a “Taxpayer Super Heroes.”  Rep. DeSantis has a 97 percent lifetime rating since his election in 2012, Rep. Rooney earned 100 percent in his first year in Congress, and Rep. Yoho has a 93 percent lifetime rating since his election in 2012.

The report, which CCAGW has issued since 1989, highlights the voting records of all 535 members of Congress.  It identifies members whose impeccable voting records helped protect and save the taxpayers’ money, earning them the honored title of “Taxpayer Super Hero,” and cites those who consistently voted against the fiscal interest of taxpayers.

CCAGW rates members of both chambers on a 0-100 percent scale.  Members are placed in the following categories: 0-19 percent Hostile; 20-39 percent Unfriendly; 40-59 percent Lukewarm; 60-79 percent Friendly; 80-99 percent Taxpayer Hero; and 100 percent Taxpayer Super Hero.  The 2017 Congressional Ratings scored 93 votes in the House of Representatives and 27 votes in the Senate.

“We applaud and wholeheartedly thank Reps. DeSantis, Rooney, and Yoho for their tireless work on behalf of the taxpayers while serving in Congress,” said CCAGW President Tom Schatz.  “Their courageous votes to cut wasteful spending and make government more accountable should serve as an example to other members, challenging them to make good on promises to protect the fiscal interests of American taxpayers.”

“We have no doubt that Reps. DeSantis, Rooney, and Yoho will continue to help lead the effort to eliminate government waste and bring fiscal sanity to Washington,” added Schatz.  “Their constituents should be very proud of them.”

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.






Florida’s choices for US Senate

Florida Family Voter guide with links for every issue proving their positions: https://floridafamilyaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-VGuide_FL-SenateGov_4.0_IA.pdf

Governor Rick Scott (his twitter link or website link) versus senator Bill Nelson (his website link)

See  https://www.frcaction.org/scorecard  and press on Florida.


Measure Number: H.R. 36 (Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act )   https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=114&session=1&vote=00268    

Nelson cosponsors bill (from link in https://ivoterguide.com/Comparison.aspx?RaceK=4297&ElecK=646&PrimaryPartyK=- ) to let males who claim to be females (transgenders) into your daughter’s bathrooms (public bathrooms). …  Senator Nelson’s leadership and will continue to work with Members of Congress to increase support for full federal LGBTQ equality.

Governor Rick Scott (see the link on this page https://ivoterguide.com/Comparison.aspx?RaceK=4297&ElecK=646&PrimaryPartyK=- ):  Florida Governor Rick Scott signed legislation on Friday barring late-term abortions in cases where doctors determine an unborn child could survive outside the womb.   Existing Florida law forbids abortion after 24 weeks’ gestation, unless a woman’s life or health is jeopardized by continued pregnancy.      Once fetal viability is attained, no abortion would be allowed under the new law unless two doctors certify in writing that termination is necessary to save the patient’s life or to “avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function ... other than a psychological condition.”




Chief Financial Officer

Link to the following with more details, https://ivoterguide.com/Comparison.aspx?RaceK=6891&ElecK=646&PrimaryPartyK=- 



Commissioner of Agriculture

I am voting for Matt Caldwell (link to his website) because he is endorsed by a group I trust more than I can personally research. Nikki Fried (her website) is the usual big government anti-biblical candidate.   https://ivoterguide.com/Comparison.aspx?RaceK=6904&ElecK=646&PrimaryPartyK=-

Finally a candidate that actually answers the tough questions. See his answers:


Matt Caldwell for Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture.  Water is our most important resource. It ensures the success of our state and it keeps us alive! As we grow from 20 million to 30 million residents, it’s more important than ever before to balance the demands of growing cities with the needs of our farmers and our environment. The Commissioner of Agriculture must be a responsible steward of our valuable natural resources. I promise to protect, preserve, and sustain our natural resources — because without them, there is no state of Florida!  During my time in the Florida House, water policy was an area where I championed legislation and led the State in pursuing long-term solutions. In 2016, I carried the statewide Water Bill, which … http://votecaldwell.org/issues/    Today, John Stemberger, President & General Counsel of Florida Family Action, Florida’s leading pro-life, pro-family organization announced the endorsement of State Representative Matt Caldwell for Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture.   http://votecaldwell.org/   Our freedoms are under attack by Washington bureaucrats. It’s time to stand up and fight to make sure liberty is preserved for the next generation. I’m running because Floridians need to have their 2nd Amendment rights, natural resources, and property protected.      http://votecaldwell.org/facebook-admits-it-blocked-florida-republicans-pro-gun-ad-reverses-course/ Facebook admitted it mistakenly blocked a Florida Republican’s pro-gun ad from the social media platform and reversed course.   http://votecaldwell.org/matt-caldwell-honored-for-fighting-for-term-limits/  was honored on Friday for his defense of term limits.     http://votecaldwell.org/issues/   We are lucky enough to live in a place where people have the liberty to fully enjoy the rights given to them by God. Every single person has certain inalienable rights that come from God. This is a principle to which our Founders subscribed and it is just as true today as it was in 1776. Whether expressed as the right to life or the right to self-defense, the right to speak freely or the right to worship as one pleases, these principles are as true today as they were over 200 years ago.  A human being has the God-given right to life as protected by our Constitution. The US Supreme Court got it wrong with Roe v. Wade, and I won’t wavier from that position.




State Rep., Dist 28

Finally, another candidate that answered these questions. For more questions see this link.



The following are pages from the primary in August. It still has some information on at least one of the candidates per race.

18th Judicial Circuit, Group 24, Judge    See https://flfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-Judicial-Guide-FINAL-Interactive.pdf

Adam Pollack 18th Judicial Circuit, Group 24, Judge    http://www.pollackforjudge.com/  His questionnaire, see https://www.floridabar.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-Circuit-18-24-Pollack.pdf 
Has a list of groups he is associated with, with zero mention of being a member of some “church” or any mention of God or moral issues. … His site says … I have prayed with clients and their families for justice to prevail.   … board certified criminal trial attorney … My ability to passionately follow the law and respect the fact that the legislature, and not a judge, makes the laws are exactly what is required of a skilled judge serving this community.     husband to his wife Jacqueline of 18.5 years and to their two boys ages 15 and 10. Adam is a former public defender, court advisor and is a current business owner operating his solo law practice since May of 2000.       Former Senior Advisor to Judges of the 18th Judicial Circuit in Seminole County – 1999 – 2000

Judge Melissa Souto, 18th Judicial Circuit, Group 24, Judge   https://www.judgemelissasouto.com/  
No mention of God on her website. We cannot tell if she is religious since she does not give a list of groups she is part of. appointed by the Governor Scott in 2015     endorsed by Don Eslinger (Seminole County Sh‍‍‍eriff - Retired), Sheriff Dennis Lemma, Sheriff Wayne Ivey, Joseph Shaughnessy (Managing Pa‍‍‍‍‍‍rtner Morgan & Morgan P.A.)     Judge Souto comes from a law enforcement background with her prior service as a prosecutor and then as legal counsel for the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office where she handled many difficult and complex legal issues.    Melissa’s parents left Cuba to escape communism in the 1960’s, and settled in Florida in the 1970’s. Questionnaire at https://www.floridabar.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-Circuit-18-24-Souto.pdf

My personal opinion is in favor of Ms. Souto, due to:

1.      her being appointed by a Republican governor (who I assume vetted her far better than the information on these websites) and

2.      her background as a prosecutor and not a criminal defender like Adam.

3.      But Adam has an advantage in that he has intact family, whereas Ms. Souto only says she has a 10 year old son; so it looks like she does not have an intact family.




County Court Judge, Group 2   See https://flfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-Judicial-Guide-FINAL-Interactive.pdf

Zero information on their Biblical values.  I lean toward Debra Krause, just because her website, and the other two seem to rely on attacking their opponents with lists of parameters that do not give us any indication of their morals.

http://judgedebrakrause.com/    Debra Krause believes Judges should follow the law, not make it. Judges should show a measure of humility and refrain from personal whims in decisions. 

http://shack4judge.com/Compare.html    https://www.facebook.com/CameronShackelfordforJudge/ 

https://www.culverforjudge.com/candidate_comparison   … Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WayneCulverforJudge/  says … Wayne Culver for Judge, August 12 at 5:19 PM ·   Wayne talks about his love for cars and the fond memories he shared with his family restoring their Mustangs …




School Board Member Dist 1

I lean toward Alan Youngblood due to his religious actions and experience and awards.

Alan Youngblood.  Alan is a husband, father, educator, and pastor. In addition, Alan and his wife, Julie, were “Teacher of the Year” recipients at their respective schools.  After graduating from the University of Central Florida, I began my teaching career at my alma mater, Lake Howell High School, where I currently teach English. I am an educator for 22 years. Julie, my wife, teaches kindergarten at Red Bug Elementary. Our four daughters.      Alan Youngblood is a candidate for Seminole County School Board - District 1. This district is the southern part of Seminole County. Alan is a 44-year resident of Seminole County, moving here at the age of seven from Mississippi in 1973.  … When it comes to understanding the community at an even more intimate level, Alan and Julie launched Faith Outreach Church in Seminole County in 2001 where they serve as pastors for the last eighteen years. In this unique role as pastor, Alan has walked with people through some of the darkest moments of their lives and acquired a deep and heartfelt understanding of the hardships and challenges that many people face. He has counseled teenagers and parents … Alan and Julie have been married 25 years. They have four daughters …


Fanny Benites . She stopped campaigning. Fanny Benites is a mental health therapist with a Master’s degree from the University of Central Florida.    https://www.votefannyb.com/

Kristine Kraus   https://www.krausforschools.com/issues/   … Kristine believes that an emphasis on standardized testing does not truly benefit the students’ learning. Students better absorb learning content through active and engaging classroom instruction.      Kristine Kraus is an active volunteer in Seminole county schools and a mother of four Seminole County Public School graduates.

Cade Resnick.  As a Seminole County school teacher, Cade Resnick has …   In 2010, Cade was elected to the City of Winter Springs Commission, where he was extensively involved as a stalwart of the budget and community relations. Focused on maintaining a healthy budget with no additional debt;     Cade, a family man, is married to Shawna Resnick, who is also a teacher in Seminole County, and has 2 children Aiden and Merissa. Aiden is currently a 2nd grader and Merissa will be entering VPK in Aug





School Board Member Dist 4

I lean toward Amy Pennock due to her mentioning church and she has over 30 community groups she has been involved with, her education, her children, and business experience.

Amy Pennock, She holds two Master’s Degrees, one in business administration and another in, forensic accounting, …  a mom and a community leader, has a long career of working with community organizations and businesses to improve their finances.     As the owner of Pennock Consulting Group, Amy works for companies across the country, including the non-profit Shepherd’s Hope, providing outsourced Chief Financial Officer services.  https://www.amyforschoolboard.com/meet-amy/  … She is a current member of the Seminole County Public Schools Leadership Training Program.  Much of her community service is part of a personal mission to lead by example for her daughters and is also actively involved with her children’s activities. Amy is married to Tim, and has three daughters …   Pennock moved to Seminole County in 2009 and she and her family are long-time members of Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Mary. She is an active participant in the church’s Women Around the Table Group.

Bobby Agagnina is a native Central Floridian who teaches at Lake Howell High School.  ..  his strong progressive values in  (progressives totally ignore the Bible) …   He stood with a university environmental group to protect endangered species’ habitats from …  Seminole County teachers’ union.   … Bobby Agagnina resides in Winter Park, with his partner Luis, and their rescue dog Milo. Bobby and Luis are active members in the Central Florida Softball League, which promotes love, equality, and family values.  https://www.agagninaforseminoleschools.com/ 

Dr. Geraldine “Geri” Wright.  Her Facebook page shows she is endorse by very liberal League of Women Voters of Seminole County.  http://www.geriwright.org/about/   Geri was employed by Seminole County Public Schools as a teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal and as an Executive Director of Elementary Education.   As an Executive Director of Elementary Education, Geri successfully oversaw the operation of 37 elementary schools, assisted in the development of the district’s strategic plan; provided input in the process of budget development; …   As an adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida, Dr. Wright supervised and counseled junior and senior Elementary Education majors in the pursuit of their Bachelors’ and Masters’ Degrees in Elementary Education.  Geri assisted with the initial planning and startup of Great Start…Pathways to Success, a program designed to reach out to parents of infants birth to three years old.  … She is a Charter Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Kappa Sigma Omega Chapter of Sanford. Geri has served as president of Kappa Sigma Omega Chapter for several terms.    Geri is an active member of Northland, A Church Distributed.   https://www.facebook.com/geriwright.org/    https://www.lwvseminole.org/voter-guide/ 





County Commissioner Dist 2
I have no idea on this race. I probably lean toward Don Menzel for his strong words against corruption.  I cannot find a shred of evidence that either one professes any Biblical foundation.

Don Menzel.  No mention of God.  He is a Republican candidate for Seminole County Commission, District 2 in the August 2018 election.  Don, his wife Courtney and their children moved to Florida in 2011. They opened their accounting business, Precision Tax & Accounting in Longwood and reside in Winter Springs.  I have signed the “No New Taxes” pledge…My opponent refuses.    There is a serious absence of responsible spending and credible oversight by our current commission. When cronies of the current commission can walk away with hundreds of thousands of dollars for a developer; we have a problem.  When the current commission frivolously sues our elected Comptroller to take away his responsibility for the checks and balances sorely needed in any government and using tax dollars to do so. We have a big problem.      “What are our elected officials doing with their time on our dime?  Spending our money wisely?”   http://donmenzelforseminole.com/ 

Jay Zembower (no mention of God) is a Native Floridian and a 40-year resident of Seminole county. He has owned and operated Zembower Auto Center for more than four decades and has served as a consultant for local, state and federal law enforcement, as well as law firms, fortune 500 corporations, insurance companies and major automobile manufacturers.   http://jayzembower.com/about/    Endorsements and Recognitions:

Conservative Congressman Matt Gaetz

BusinessForce— Central Florida’s business group supports candidates for free enterprise, low taxes and fewer regulations

Seminole County Professional Firefighters

Orlando Regional REALTOR® Association

Orlando Police Department- Twice Awarded Good Citizen Award




County Commissioner Dist 4
I am voting for Amy Lockhart. 

Amy Lockhart   … She has many church functions.   Appointed by Governor Rick Scott to the Seminole State College District Board of Trustees in March of 2014, …   ensure Seminole County never becomes a sanctuary county! Amy is committed to keeping taxes low,  She is a wife, mom, community leader, and lifelong conservative.    As the Chairman of the Seminole County School Board, I have worked consistently on your behalf, ensuring Seminole County Public Schools remain one of the premier school districts in the state of Florida. I am proud to advocate for parents on a variety of important issues affecting our children, including standardized testing and recess.  http://www.amylockhart.org/content/about-amy     With a broad base of experiences, Amy has a background in marketing and sales and operated her own consulting business prior to working for the citizens of Seminole County as a member of the Board of County Commissioners’ staff. Her work with local government, knowledge of the public sector’s budget process, and solid working relationships with many different community groups     I want to continue fighting for you on the County Commission. From keeping our neighborhoods safe to supporting our schools to keeping taxes low and our budget in check, I will stick by my conservative principles and stand with you as your voice on the County Commission.  

Amy's current (and past) involvement in Seminole County includes:

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Chairman, Seminole County School Board (2016 – present)

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Board Member, Seminole County School Board (Elected in 2012 and 2016)

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Seminole State College District Board of Trustees (appointed in 2014 and 2018 by Governor Rick Scott)

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Seminole State College Foundation Board Member

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Seminole County Public School’s Foundation Board Member

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Vice Chairman, Seminole County Value Adjustment Board

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Central Florida Commission on Homelessness - Family Committee

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Founding Member, Florida Coalition of School Board Members

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Member, Seminole County Republican Executive Committee

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Member, Republican Women's Club of Seminole Federated

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Associate Member, Suburban Republican Women's Club Federated

http://amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Member, National Rifle Association

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Seminole County Public School Dividend (11 years)

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif School Advisory Council, Idyllwilde Elementary (7 years, 3 years as Chairman)

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif School Advisory Council, Sanford Middle (3 years)

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif School Board Member Appointee, Bus Radio Oversight Committee

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Young Life of Seminole County, Committee Member

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Chairman, River Oaks Church Women’s Ministry

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Director, River Oaks Church Children’s Ministry

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Vestry Member, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif St. Peter’s Pre-School Advisory Committee

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif 2008 “Leadership” Award, Safe House of Seminole

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif 2013 "Brave Lass", Scottish American Society of Central Florida

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Central Florida Zoological Society, Board Member

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Board member, J Douglas Williams YMCA

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif First Vice President, Lake Mary Woman’s Club

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Education Chair, Lake Mary Woman’s Club

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Centennial Forum Columnist, Sanford Herald

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Member, C.L.E.O. (Community Leaders and Elected Officials)

http://www.amylockhart.org/sites/default/files/images/star-bullet.gif Member, Sallie Harrison Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution


Joe Durso. https://www.joedurso.org/    As a Vice President of CBC of Central Florida, Joe has spent the past 14 years fighting for abused and neglected children, their families and other vulnerable groups in communities throughout Central Florida.  As the youngest Mayor in Longwood’s history, Joe sought to bring innovative solutions and his ability to make tough decisions to meet the needs of a diverse and growing county. Joe’s leadership in Longwood has led to unprecedented economic growth, a higher quality of life, and a city rated one of the Top 10 safest cities in Florida.      As an adjunct professor of political science at Seminole State College of Florida, Joe has used his experience in the public and private sector to give students a real world understanding of the limited role of local, state and federal government.    

Seminole County Republican Executive Committee,   

Finance Chairman 2004-2008,    
Precinct 20 Committeeman 2004-Present

Seminole County Young Republicans


Seminole State College Republicans

   Faculty Advisor

City of Longwood 2007/2008 Charter Review Advisory Commission


Central Florida Foundation for Foster Children

   Core Collaborators Committee 2008 – 2011

Annunciation Catholic Church

   Knights of Columbus




Winter Springs City Commissioner, Dist 3

I am voting for Ken Greenberg. He at least has some association with “religion” at the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy. Whereas his opponent, Ted Johnson, does not have any religious info on his bio. Ted Johnson’s wife knocked on our door and refused over and over (3 times) to answer any positions of her husband on any social moral issues.

Ken Greenberg.  http://votekengreenberg.com/   Ken got involved in his new Hometown and has been deeply involved since. He served on 4 City Advisory committees and on each committee, served in a leadership capacity of Chairman or Vice Chairman. Ken’s most recent position was as the Chairman of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD).      Ken is a highly skilled businessman, with a long history of entrepreneurial and profitable ventures. Currently, Ken serves as the CEO of US Hospitality Group, a well-established hotel development firm. He is also the President of a diversified Licensed Real Estate Commercial Brokerage. Additionally, Ken has a strong professional career in Banking where he last served as a Vice President of IndyMac Bank, which was one of the largest and most aggressive lending institutions in the Country.  Ken has always strived to give back to his community and to that end, he served on the Board of Directors of The International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD), based in Washington, DC. He was a founding Board Member of the Florida Business Brokers Association and has served on a variety of Boards. Ken is also a recipient of a “Key to the County”, awarded to him by the Mayor of Miami-Dade County for his contributions in mentoring and growing jobs within the minority communities.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Center_for_Religion_%26_Diplomacy    The International Center for Religion & Diplomacy is a non-profit organization located in Washington, DC.[1] Its mission statement reads: "The mission of ICRD is to address identity-based conflicts that exceed the reach of traditional diplomacy by incorporating religion as part of the solution."   The intellectual and spiritual basis for ICRD's unconventional approach to conflict resolution can be found in Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft, Faith-based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik (Oxford University Press, 1994 and 2003), and Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement. These books explore the positive role that religious or spiritual factors can play in preventing or resolving conflict, while advancing social change based on justice and reconciliation. They also make a strong case for incorporating religious considerations into the practice of international politics.


Ted Johnson.  Ted and his family moved to the Central Florida area 32 years ago to begin a career in public education. Ted has worked in the capacity of teacher and administrator at several Seminole County schools     active Board Member of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association. He has served as the President of the THOA for the past 7 years.      Ted is the publisher of the Tuscawilla Today Magazine      Now retired from the Seminole County Public School system    

Full Bio:

New Leadership and Vision for "Our Community"


Originally from Ohio, Ted Johnson and his family moved to the Central Florida area 32 years ago to begin a career in public education. Ted has worked in the capacity of teacher and administrator at several Seminole County school sites including Indian Trails Middle School here in Winter Springs. Recently retired from Teague Middle School, he is now dedicating his time to continue serving the public. With the encouragement and support of the late Commissioner Pam Carroll, Ted has been an active Board Member of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association. He has served as the President of the THOA for the past 7 years. As a result of his dedication to the community, this role has afforded Ted the opportunity to become familiar with the planning and decision making processes inherent to our city.

In tandem with a dedication toward community service, Ted continues to be in regular attendance at City Commission meetings. By attending these meetings, Ted is up-to-date on current issues facing our city and provides public input on matters that impact our residents. His passion for maintaining our family oriented way of life is well documented. To that end, Ted is the publisher of the Tuscawilla Today Magazine which not only promotes the Winter Springs lifestyle and amenities, but highlights those events that promote the desirable sense of community engagement. Moving forward, Ted will continue to be a dedicated leader who will make decisions that reflect careful and logical review of the impact upon our future growth.




Here is a new source Jim gave me, that I have never seen before. They use the Florida Family Action scorecard and they have talked to some of these local legislatures. They say they are pro-life and are ministers.

Their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeMinistersofCentralFlorida/   says:

Conservative Ministers Endorsement List
County Mayor – No Endorsement

County Commission, District 2 – No Endorsement
We liked: Mark Byrd – Fred Brummer – Christine Moore

County Commission, District 3 – No Endorsement
We liked: Pete Crotty – Bobby Lance – Mayra Uribe

County Commission, District 4 - Endorsed Gina Perez-Calhoun 
County Commission, District 6 - Endorsed Denise Harris

School Board Chair - Endorsed Robert Allen Prater
School Board – District 1 - No Endorsement
School Board - District 2 - Endorsed Chadwick Hardee
School Board – District 3 - No Endorsement
School Board – District 6 - Endorsed Patricia Fox
School Board - District 7 - Endorsed Eric Schwalbach

Federal & State Candidates
U.S. Representative, District 7 – No Endorsement
We liked: Vennia V Francois – Jonathan Scott Sturgill

We did not interview State Representative- District 50 but in the last election we endorsed George Collins.

We do not interview the judges but we seek out people that know the judges to give us some advice. Below are the recommendations of some of the conservative “knowledgeable people.”

County Judgeship – Group 11 – Adam McGinnis

Circuit 9 - Group 15 – Howard Friedman

Circuit 9 - Group 26– Joseph Haynes Davis

Circuit 9 – Group 41 – Dean Mosley




Again, My favorite issue is not politics, but using science to prove the Bible is from God (the Bible has a Miraculous Source).
If you would like to see the proof and many famous scientists who defended the Bible, go to MiraculousBible.org. Thank you for your time.